Alcove painted black...CHECK!
Holes patched and mudded...CHECK!
West wall painted black....CHECK!
Kitchen wall patched and mudded...CHECK!
Basement doors placed on hinges...CHECK!
Prop Room cleaned...CHECK!
Costume Room cleaned...CHECK!
Green Room cleaned and FINALLY emptied of that old sofa and other large debris...CHECK!
Paint mixed for Green Room...CHECK!
Green Room partially painted with color walls all identified.... YES!
Thanks to all who volunteered their time and energy, moving and lifting, destroying and removing: Elizabeth, Derek, Norma, Rita, Jose, JudyLee, Adrian, Pasqual, Caroline, Jessie, Alexis.
And George Webb chili and burgers for all... (burp)
And we even managed to squeeze in a play reading/rehearsal for our Feb 14 One Act Workshop! Wow! What a day! Thanks, everyone! We're so close!!!!
Tomorrow I meet with the architect who has agreed to take on the design plans to ensure we meet city and state codes.

And now the real journey begins...
People will step through the doors of our Tardis on March 1st
and will enter a new phase in the history of the Village Playhouse.
They will encounter new life in this beautiful, old building,
seeing first hand the transformation that will give this place
a new reason to exist.